Well the oncologist diagnosed my aunt with stage III A cancer.. that was definitely hard to hear. They put her port in yesterday and she starts chemo March 28th. She will take chemo until August 1st. Here is a link about her type of cancer.
I went to the doctor for strep throat and ended up telling them about my heart racing and feeling tight so the Dr. ordered a holter monitor for 24 hours. When they reviwed the findings I showed a run of v-tach (ventricular tachycardia) so he put me on a beta blocker and ordered a echo and a stress echo. The results of the echo and stress echo were normal so I really think it is stress related. Anyway I have to take the beta blocker for a while and then follow up in two weeks. The sad part is that I had to stop nursing because the beta blocker slows down the heart and can pass through breast milk.... which wouldn't be good for Eli. Eli has been fine.. I think he was pretty much ready to be weaned.
On a positive note we met with our builder Tuesday night and are trying to get our house plan finalized! We have had a lot of rain lately so our grader hasn't been able to do much with our driveway. Hopefully it will dry out soon. I will say it has been a headache trying to get a power pole moved- it was right in the middle of our right away. I have called the power company, phone company and cable company so many times! The cable company said the job had been completed (aka.. moving their stuff to the new pole) when in actuality they canceled the order and sent it to a contractor. I was hot to trot so I told them the pole was going to be bull dozed and they better move the cable or they would have some angry customers. That got them moving and they were out there that night moving the cable! A little pressure is all it takes :)
Good luck, Summer...it is amazing what stress can do to your body. Try to get some rest/relaxation. I've done the holters too (I have an irregular beat...and apparently Lance Armstrong's heartrate, despite NOT being in shape). I hope it will all come out okay for you! Love, E
ReplyDeleteThanks Elizabeth for the encouragement! I think it is just stress too!