Sunday, May 15, 2011

Good Morning Girls

A few of my really close friends and I are starting a summer Bible study/book club. We are going to be reading, "The Ministry of Mothers" and following the outline and S.O.A.P. format on the Good Morning Girls website. Here is the link to the website:

a href="" target="_blank">

I really think I will like the S.O.A.P. format..

What is the S.O.A.P method?  The S.O.A.P. Method stands for:

1. S- Write out the scripture passage for the day. (I have a shiny new notebook where I will be writing out the verse/s of the day.)
O- Write down 1 or 2 observations from the passage. (After I write out the verse, I will write what I learned from the verse.)
3. A- Write down 1-2 applications from the passage. (Then I will write out how this verse applies to me if it is applicable.)
4. P- Pray over what you learned from today’s passage. (Then I will pray this verse over myself and my family.)

I think I like it because as a SLP we use a SOAP format when writing therapy notes.... even though the acronyms stand for different things!

Life is such a whirl wind I definitely think I need accountability to get through this study!

1 comment:

  1. hey summer - it's great to hear from you! i'd love to see pics of eli's fall...what a horrible experience to go through - for the kid and the mom:(
    your boys are too cute!!
