Tuesday, January 10, 2012

22 weeks

This pregnancy is flying by... probably because I have two other rascals to occupy my time;  I'm still working, and we are building a house. I had my 22 week check-up today and I have gained 12 lbs total. It would be nice to be one of those people that only gain 12 total pounds during pregnancy but my body is evidently not made to do that. I gained 35 with Isaac,  and 36 with Eli so let's hope that I go down instead of up this time (I have a feeling that's not going to happen). Hopefully it will all come off as easily as it did the first two times. My blood pressure was 110/55 and my belly measured right on the 22 week mark. We got to hear baby's heartbeat which is always a sweet sound. I have a doppler at home and Eli loves to go get it and say "Listen to the baby".  Then he precedes to get out the gel and the wand and stick it on my belly. He knows when we find the heartbeat too because he starts grinning, laughing and saying "there it is", 'kick, kick'. When you ask him where the baby is he will say "under the couch" (his reply to most 'where' questions) and when I say "nooo Eli.. where is the baby?" he responds "in Mommy's belly".  Baby girl's rug came today and I have her room painted already. I had the top of her room painted linen white and the bottom is called antique (ivory/tan color); I am putting chair railing up between the two colors. I think that will be pretty contrasted with the dark wooden floors. Her chandelier is coming soon too and I can't wait!! I have already ordered two adorable outfits from Janie and Jack (they were on sale) and one little smocked gown from Zulily.  I am getting excited about the idea of having a daughter.


  1. you look great! trust me--i look as pregnant as you do and i'm only 14 wks (granted there are two) but i have already gained 11 lbs! i can't wait to see her nursery. baby girls are lots of fun. you'll love it so much!

  2. THanks Betsy! You need to post some belly pics of those twins! This one is definitely showing more than my previous pregnancies.

  3. Summer you are beautiful! I love all the house choices too! I cannot wait to see everything!
