What can Eli do now that he is TWO.....
Weight: 30 lbs 12 oz (90%)
Height: 35 3/4 inches (90%)
He can run, jump, skip, throw balls, and catch sometimes. He eats most all food, drinks milk (I just switched him to 1-2%) and likes water as well. He LOVES his blanket and passy and the world will end if he doesn't have both for nap and bed. At night we read three books, rock and listen to the fish sing (a toy on his crib), and then he lays down and goes to sleep. He rarely wakes up at night ( exceptions are when he is sick, or when we just moved!). He is using good sentences now to communicate and lets you know everything he wants and thinks. The "N" word has become rampant lately! He can count to 20, knows a lot of shapes including (octagon and pentagon), knows his letters (receptively and expressively), can spell his name, and knows most colors. He can sing parts of songs and sings most of the ABC song. He loves to play outside and can fly on his riding toys. He pushes his tricycle around with his feet (he won't even attempt to pedal). He begs Josh everyday to go ride the four wheeler. When he says his prayers at night he always says, "Goodnight Jesus" and it's quite cute and funny. He requires a lot of stimulation so I hope he is not going to have ADD. His little mind is always thinking about things, examining things and he will push any button he sees. He does like books and his favorites right now are "One Fish, Two Fish (60 pages which he will sit through so maybe he will be okay), Going on a Bear Hunt, and Brown Bear. He can finish my sentences in One Fish, and pretty much recite Brown Bear as well. We have difficulty staying seated in the high chair at dinner and I even have stooped to using my iPhone to entertain him. Eli Thomas, you are a joy to our lives and are my sweet, sweet boy! I am going to have my hands full when baby sissy arrives!
"Goodnight Jesus"......so sweet!