Sunday, July 22, 2012


Here is an idea I got off pinterest. It's a water cheap and ingenious! You just cut it and put it under the sheet so your toddler doesn't fall outta the bed!
Pinterest idea

I'm home right now instead of church because I didn't want to take Typhoid Mary (Eli) to the 2 yr old class and infect other kids with the Hand Foot Mouth virus. Isn't that also ingenious to keep your kid home when he/she is sick... One of my pet peeves btw.

I'm suppose to be packing because we are headed to Chapel Hill to this afternoon to take Olivia for a 2nd opinion on her hearing tomorrow. However I'm just piddling...for example..taking a pix of Eli's mattress and blogging!

We are making a detour to Charlotte for an awful reason. My sweet friend Ginnie's husband  died unexpectedly Thursday morning. He was a lawyer and my age...31. They aren't sure why he passed away but he went to the ER with unexplained abdominal pain the night before. I can't imagine what she is going through and my heart hurts for her. Please remember her in your prayers.
This is Ginne and Brandon are her bridesmaids at their wedding 5 years ago

1 comment:

  1. That is so sad! I will be praying for her and the family. We don't understand when things like this happen, but we know that God has a purpose for it all.
