Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fall, football, and orchards

I love fall!! Have I already said that? It's definitely my favorite season!

Here's my Fall to do list: I know it's pretty shallow.. don't judge :)

I marked off the ones I've completed
1. Partake in pumpkin spiced lattes
2. Visit a pumpkin patch
3. Go to a corn maze- Elida Home has a great one and proceeds go to the children's home
4. Plant mums and decorate for fall
5. Visit the Mountain State fair
6. Take a few hikes
7. Bake some pumpkin goodies
8. Carve a pumpkin
9. Have fall pictures made of the kids
10. Go camping

Today we kicked off Fall in full flavor with a pre-school field trip to Stepp's Orchard. I was super thankful to have Josh go with me because the road up there is so curvy and my driving skills are below par.

We had a load of gravel coming this morning at 7:30 (for our pool construction project) so we could leave at 8 and be at the orchard at 9. Well of course things don't go as planned and the gravel didn't show up on time. In the meantime, I take Isaac to school, throw my hair in a pony tail, put on a dab on makeup, find my jeans from yesterday and frantically dress and wake the kiddos (Olivia was awake from 4:45-6:00 am this morning which never happens). I make some delicious frozen Eggos for them to eat in the car on the way up the road.

When we finally arrive at the orchard, we are more than 30 minutes late and the hay ride had already taken the kids into the orchard to pick apples. Thankfully, the lovely worker at the orchard put us in her truck and drove us through the orchard to meet the hay ride. The tractor evidently didn't see us so she starts beeping the horn while EVERYONE stares back. Talk about an entrance. We grabbed our apples and hopped on the hay ride! A bit embarrassing but hey... we made it!

Eli had a great time and Livi did too. We got to pick pumpkins, go through a corn field and a soy bean maze, drink fresh apple cider, and try apples. Josh and I took the kids to PF Changs for lunch and we headed home.

To complete our fall fun day.. Isaac had his first home football game. The air was a bit chilly and it was perfect weather for football. I'm not a fan of him playing football but I acquiesce since he really enjoys it. His team won so he was of course happy about that.. and he didn't get hurt so that made me happy. 

Isaac's football game.. he's number 76. This was the rival game of our two Jr. High schools, East and West.

Nana and Eli

Daddy and Olivia in the soy bean maze

Olivia looking at the beans

Livi the pumpkin

Eli the pumpkin

Mommy and Livi

Nana and Eli

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