Thursday, December 5, 2013

Midweek Confessions

I haven't done these in a while but here goes!

1. I managed to leave hungry from an all you can eat buffet. How does that happen.. oh wait..I have kids! Yes, both Eli and Olivia were dragged from the restaurant screaming. Fun times.  Eli is usually pretty good now that he's 3  1/2 but he was just awoken from a 10 minute car nap before we got out and things went down hill quickly. Olivia just got downright angry because the waitress took away her empty plate.

2. Eli peed in his bed so I put his sheets in the wash. They were in the dryer at bedtime and I was too tired to make his bed so he got to sleep with us last night. Well, his pull up leaked and my sheets have pee on them. Now it's bedtime and I don't feel like washing sheets and my mattress pad... I'm debating how bad it would be to sleep on them.

3. I really want to watch the Sound of Music Live tonight so I can sing the songs aloud to everyone in my house!

4. I put Olivia in the bathtub tonight and 5 minutes later realized she still had her hearing aids in! They are water resistant but not water PROOF! Yikes!

5. Isaac had his first wrestling match and as he was being pinned I was in my seat twisting and turning my body like it was going to help him get free! I'm sure he's not embarrassed by me at all.

Well that's all I can think of right now! Happy Friday everyone!

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