2. I like this newest post from E, Myself and I.. she blogs about being a working mom and SAHM and how the grass isn't always greener. I've been in both places and I'm really not sure which one is harder. Mommy guilt comes with both. Right now I am primarily a SAHM but I'm working for a local private practice doing speech therapy two hours a week. Two hours a week doesn't sound bad but when you've got to find someone to keep the kids twice a week it gets sticky. This week my sitters didn't get to my house until 40 minutes AFTER the time my therapy appointment started. Needless to say I apologized profusely. Not having set childcare (which would nullify any money I bring in) stresses me out. It was great when Josh was home to watch the kids but now I've got to rely on others and figure it out each week.
3. This post just hit the spot today from "Playing with Words". This mom is a SLP but her son just qualified for school speech. Ouch. Olivia is doing well but there may be a time where she qualifies for school speech therapy. She qualifies right now for Early Intervention because of her hearing impairment. I like how this mom wrote that it's not what you did or didn't do... sometimes I feel like I could do a lot more!
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