Sunday, November 8, 2015

Baby Judah's first weeks

Those first couple weeks at home with a new baby are ROUGH. I always forget how bad it is. Sore nipples, no sleep, constant feeding. Plus, Judah doesn't like to sleep unless he is being held. However we made it!  At his 1 week check-up he weighed 8 lbs and by his second week he had surpassed his birth weight.

Heading home from the hospital

Nana brought the Littles home and had snuggles with Baby J

Eli gave him his stuffed Elephant, Ellison

Mommy the zombie

My three sweet one's ready for bed

Thank goodness he likes the paci

Sissy and 'her' baby


Those little hands will one day be bigger than mine

Bros- Eli and Judah

Milk drunk. This was Isaac's baby gown when he was a newborn. All my babies have worn it!

Checking out his room and crib. He is sleeping downstairs with us until he is bigger and will sleep through the night. 

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