Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Another scare...

This morning after breakfast, Isaac and I were hanging out in the living room when we heard a scream. I ran to the hall (which is pretty much in the living room) and grabbed Eli. He was standing beside the one electrical outlet in the house that had a cover missing (yes, I had taken it off to vacuum and hadn't put it back on) and his pin wheel that he was playing with was laying in the floor. As I was holding him he acted very drowsy, with his eyes shutting and not focusing. I told Isaac to call 911. They were going to send an ambulance but I decided that he really didn't need one because he began to become more alert.  Isaac also called my mom and my step-dad (he is a nurse) and they headed over to the house. I took Eli outside to the car trying to decide if he needed to go to the hospital. He began to play in the car, pushing all the buttons when I realized he was okay! I did call the pediatrician and took him in for a check-up. He is completely fine but it sure scared me. What am I going to do with this wild child!

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