Monday, December 12, 2011

It's a ...................


I am in total utter shock! I was 100% sure this baby was a boy. I had picked his name,  and allocated furntiure and bedding.  I am very thankful everything looks good so far. We were able to see all her anatomical structures and everything measured on target. We laughed because her legs measured in the 60-70% percentile and at Eli's ultrasound his measured in the 15%. Josh has a long torso and short legs so Eli definitely took after him. I don't know any thing about being a mother to a girl... but I guess I will learn. My sister has two boys and we have two boys so I thought we were destined to have all boys! I wanted to wait until Christmas to find out but of course I couldn't wait when I got to the ultrasound and I had to know. We did go to the mall and buy two Christmas ornaments with pink on them and I had them enscripted with "Baby Girl Allison, coming May 2012". We had Josh's brothers and sister meet us at his parents house and let his mom open the gift. She said she knew it was a girl the whole time. We also gave my mom an ornament to open and she was in total shock! We brought Isaac a pink gum ball (after 5 tries we finally got pink out of the machine). He said he wanted a sister :) It may take me a few days to get used to the idea of a girl; but I am very thankful for this blessing God has given us. 


  1. I won't say "I told you so!" I'll just say "yaaaay!!!" :) Ahh, parenting a girl...let me just say, get ready! If she's anything like Ava, you're in for a wild ride, haha.
