Friday, November 13, 2015

Baby J is 1 month

Weigh: 10 lbs 11 oz
Height: 22 3/4 inches 

What can you do now that you are a month old? You can hold your head up really well, smile at us when we talk to you. You like to make sounds coo, goo and ahh. Nursing has gotten easier and you are still exclusively breastfeeding every 21/2 to 3 hours. I bought a Rock and Play to help keep you elevated after feeds the other night while I was perusing  Amazon in the wee hours of the morning. It has worked occasionally give me one good 3 hour stretch out of my arms. I've also done a LOT of online shopping during while I'm awake at night... Eeekkk! 

Isaac will hold you when we ask him too. Don't take it personally... He is a 15 year old boy. He's super sweet to you though and you did fall asleep in his arms the other day while we were getting ready.

Eli likes to hold you while we do his reading each night. He will lean over and kiss your fuzzy head. He told me that he loves you and the day you came home was the best day ever. He also said that you are a little bit of a whiner... No worries because sometimes he's worse! 

Olivia.... Where do we even begin. She is crazy about you! We sit on my bed and ogle over you daily. She says you are soft and squishy! We call you our Buttercup, Darlin', and Cubby Bear. She helps change your diaper and hands me wipes, butt paste and a diaper every time. She loves to kiss you and squeeze you and is twitterpated over all your tiny features! 

We love you Baby J! 

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