Friday, November 23, 2012

Olivia's MRI

We journeyed back down to Chapel Hill on November 12th for more appointments with Olivia including a sedated MRI to check her inner ear structure and anatomy. 

I was pretty anxious about the sedation because she is so little and of course you never know how someone is going to react to sedation. I was also nervous because she wasn't supposed to eat after 7:30 am with her appointment being at 1:00.  We had lots of people praying- even a stranger came up to us the night before her MRI and prayed for her while we were eating at Cracker Barrel. 

Our prayers were answered. She did great with the sedation and her MRI looked completely normal. Her inner ear anatomy was there along with the nerves. So we still have no clue what caused her hearing loss and we may never know. Her blood testing (where they analze her blood spot from her PKU testing as a newborn) wasn't back so I was a bit bummed about that. Evidently the State is in charge of that so who knows how long it will take to come back. 

We also saw her Audiologist while we were there and I had one of her ear molds grind down a bit where it was bothering her. We won't have any new testing until she is 7 months old and she starts behavioral testing in the sound booth.  

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.- Philippians 4:6

Daddy and Olivia at breakfast before the appointment
Thankfully she didn't have to have an IV and they were able to give her the medicine (Versed and Presidex) up her nose. She fought it for about 15 minutes and then finally fell asleep. This was her after I laid her down on the table, kissed her goodbye and we walked to the waiting room. 
We were able to go right back to her as soon as the MRI was finished (45 minutes). She cried briefly until I picked her up and then fell back asleep for around 2 hours. 
I was very impressed with the Pediatric Sedation team at UNC. They had two nurses with her and watched her vitals continuously until the medicine wore off completely. 

1 comment:

  1. God bless her you and Josh!! You both are very strong parents God knows what he is doing even though we do not.
