Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Day in the life

I haven't done one of these in forever so here goes....

4:45 am- Olivia wakes up. I'm too tired to get her to go back to sleep in her bed so I march her to my room, give her some milk and we snooze.

6:45- Josh is getting ready and we have a call for a 2 hour delay even though there is no snow or ice. Josh goes upstairs to tell Isaac he can go back to bed.

7:05- Eli wakes up.. he's ready to eat. He wakes Olivia up because his quiet voice is at 60 dB. I hold him off a while by letting them play on the bed. I love my morning cuddles.

7:30- Josh leaves for work. I change Olivia and then start making Eli breakfast. He wants to color on his workbook and then eats his cereal and oatmeal. Olivia eats her baby cereal. We add to the the pile of crumbs in the floor. I make a mental note that I HAVE to vacuum the floors today.

Aunt Jane spent the night with us last night and she is starting to stir. She has an appointment with my hair dresser this morning. After she comes downstairs, Eli is ready to play and we make our Keurig coffee. I only get half mine finished because I get distracted. I make another mental note not to leave the coffee sitting there when Josh comes home. He says that stuff is too expensive to waste and I can't argue because he's right.

I dress Olivia and put her hearing aids in. I always do a self check before I put her hearing computers on and sure enough the left one wasn't working. I check the batteries and they were both getting low so I change them out. I make sure the old ones go straight in the trash because they warned us that if swallowed the outcome wouldn't be good. I sing to her the 'morning ear song' and  Eli starts singing with me. It's super cute to hear him sing and I remind my self to video it later.

Hearing aids and pilot cap on. The coffee cup is on the counter.
I decide to take the couch cushions off and vacuum the couch. I have ulterior motives... I'm looking for my MacBook that's been missing since Sunday. I find several socks, a pink hair bow, and trash. Eli likes to help me vacuum. Then we pile the cushions up and climb the 'mountain'. Even Olivia likes climbing pillows. We practice our power word 'up'!

King of the mountain
I get Olivia dressed and forgo Eli... mainly because his clothes are upstairs and I don't feel like heading up there. He's got warm fleecy pj's on anyway. I don my clothing of choice... yoga pants and my ASU sweatshirt, pull my hair in a ponytail and brush my teeth. Eli sees me brushing his teeth and wants to brush and 'flip' (aka..floss) his teeth. I can't argue with good hygiene so we precede with the teeth brushing.

Isaac comes downstairs and he's ready for school. Usually on Wednesdays, Olivia has therapy. However this morning Ms. Kristin called and was sick so we re-scheduled. It worked out for the best because I needed to leave early to take Isaac to school this morning because of the 2 hour delay. I load up the babies and Isaac rides up front. We chat on the way to school and he reminds me that he has Battle of the Books this afternoon at 4. Lovely.. right in the middle of nap time. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before we get in the car line... he's such a sweetie. Eli and I say a little prayer for him as he enters the scary world of Jr. high.

Since the Princess is not crying (she usually cries when we ride) I head to the bank and then we decide to go see Nana. Audra's boys are coming over so we stay and play with Carter and Camden. Around lunch time we all decide to go grab lunch, so as we get ready to walk out the door, I realize that Eli is still in his pajamas. Mom finds a pair of sweatpants for him to wear instead. He looks like a ragamuffin. Olivia is past ready for her morning nap and falls asleep in the car in point 2 seconds. Lunch is a success.
Nana, Carter, Olivia, and Camden at Nana's house

1:30 pm- Eli loves the grocery store and I need something to cook for supper so we decide to make a quick trip. The grocery store with a 2 year old and baby is never quick. Olivia gets Bjorned and Eli drives the car buggy. I realized today that Eli is actually really good in the grocery store. He just drives the buggy and we chat and talk about what kind of food we are going to get. Strawberries and bananas are staples on his grocery list.  After we get home we put away groceries and play. Aunt Jane is back and her hair looks cute.

Aunt Jane and the new 'do'

I put Eli down for a nap around 3:00 and luckily Aunt Jane said she would pick Isaac up for me. Wheew. I wasn't looking forward to my choices of no nap or waking the kids up early. Aunt Jane and I play with Olivia. Livi starts getting sleepy so I feed her and then put her down. Nap time makes me sleepy. I decide I would rather nap than surf facebook or clean the kitchen.

Isaac is home around 4:20 and works on his homework and then plays Xbox with his buddies. Eli and Olivia wake up around 5:30. Eli had an accident during his nap.  Luckily, I've been putting those Goodnite pads under his sheets so at least I don't have to change the mattress pad. He wants a bath so Olivia and I play in the bathroom and supervise Eli's bath.

Josh gets home early today (around 6:15ish) and everyone is excited. Pawpaw comes over to help Josh work on the play-yard they are building for Eli and Olivia. I start cooking supper. We are having meatloaf, broccoli and mashed potatoes tonight. Isaac helps me peel potatoes and Eli helps with the meatloaf. Eli spills raw meat on the floor. Nice. Olivia is entertained with puffs in her highchair. After dinner I put Olivia to bed and then we go out and watch Josh and Pawpaw build the play-yard. Eli and I climb up on the top, he hands Josh screws and I hold a few boards. Eli says he is ready to come inside and go to bed so I put him to bed. Our routine is bathroom, teeth, 3 books and then he turns his fan off, turns the light off and I cover him up with his 3 blankets. We also say our prayers and then he gets a short 'tickle scratch' on his back. I also realize today that bedtime has become pretty easy. Josh and Pawpaw finish up for the night.

Josh and Pawpaw

My MacBook is still missing and I don't want to type all this on my phone. I bribe Isaac with $10.00 to find it. He looks and finally gives up and heads to bed at 10:00. I bribe Josh with "anything you want". He finds it.  That's all I will say about that subject.

We watch a bit of TV and I read a few blogs. I finally go to sleep at 12:30 am.


  1. This is adorable! Just like you!

  2. ha Thanks Carly! I want to read your "A day in the life post" :)

  3. wear me out. I don't see how you keep it up! Eli singing is sooooooooooooooooooo sweet. Livi is going to be one tough cookie!

  4. Kel, I just watched the video again and I noticed Eli's knee hit Olivia square on the belly. You are right, she's gonna have to be tough!

  5. So precious!!!!! Meat on the floor, babies singing to babies and in pjs all day, and kisses from a Jr high schooler sounds like heaven to me!!!!
