Thursday, May 24, 2012

I ventured out today...

With two babies and the double stroller! I met Audra at the Greenway this morning at 8:30.. Carter and Eli took their Trikes and we put Olivia and Camden in the double stroller. It went great until we had to turn around and Eli didn't want to ride anymore. I ended up carrying his trike on the way back. Luckily Olivia slept through the adventure. Then we went to Audra's and the boys played on Carter's new swing set, blew bubbles and rode the John Deere. Eli had a melt down at the end so we journeyed home for a nap and lunch. I managed to nurse Olivia while fixing Eli milk and lunch. It's getting easier by the day... Sleep helps me be human again! Last night Olivia slept from 1130 to 300 in her bassinet!! That's progress because she's been sleeping in my arms :)


  1. it's times like this that I wish blogger had a "like" button :)

  2. I agree! Blogger "like" is much needed!
