Monday, October 1, 2012

Medically necessary rant

We pay over $1000.00 a month for private insurance  (Josh carries the kids at his work, and I have a private plan) with BCBS however they do NOT cover Olivia's ear molds or an office visit. Since she is growing so fast we have to go have new ear molds made every 6 weeks and today she had an appointment for new molds. Well I was charged $75 dollars for an office visit, and then $75 per ear for new ear molds and guess what.. insurance won't cover a cent. Tell me why this isn't medically necessary for my 4 month old to hear so she can develop correct speech and language. Mind blowing. I am all for Medicaid for those that need it but guess what Medicaid will cover ear molds but our private insurance won't! Elizabeth, I am going to post something I am thankful for since I am complaining- I am thankful that we have insurance (even though it's crappy) and that we didn't have to purchase the hearing aids (because NC has a grant!).

1 comment:

  1. :( That stinks! I also love how they call glasses and hearing aids cosmetic. Yes, children love how cool they look with hearing aids behind their ears or plastic glasses attached to their face. I love how blue plastic glasses go with every outfit my son owns! GRIPE!

    I am thankful for everything I have too though!
