4 month stats:
Weight: 14.1 lbs (50%)
Height: 25 1/4 inches (50-75%)
Little Miss Olivia Jane had a good 4 month check. On her Ages and Stages questionnaire she was on target developmentally and her milk is definitely agreeing with her. Lil' Miss had 3 shots, the rotovirus drink and screamed like a panther during all three shots. Eli would always just cry for a second and then he was over it but Olivia likes the drama. She just kept screaming until I gave her the boob. She continues to make coo's, goo's, she has such a darling little laugh and especially likes to eat her toes or for you to 'get her' under her chin. She wears mostly 6 month clothes but even some 6 month pant sets are already becoming 'high waters'. She is still exclusively nursing; however, we do try to give a pumped breast-milk bottle occasionally so she won't refuse the bottle. Livi despises tummy time but we still try to do it a few times a day despite the protesting. She rolls from her back to belly and is getting much quicker at it. The other night I had her in a velcro swaddle laying on her back and when she woke up she was on the other side of the bed, completely out of her swaddle and on her belly. How she Houdini'ed out of that I have no clue. She loves it when I put her hearing computers on and just looks around, smiles and listens. I have noticed that she talks more when they are off... maybe because she is so intent on listening when she has them in. She isn't doing very well in the sleeping at night department; I'm up continuously throughout the night. We are going to try to put her in her room this weekend so we'll see how that goes. We love you Livi Lou! Eli still says "I love you baby sissy, I love you!"
I can't believe how quickly they are growing! Before you know it, we'll be at the DMV with the babies!